First time i tried to open the wig. I'm not sure if this is the correct way or not. But this is what i watch from youtube.
I'm using the art knife to cut around the wig. This is really scary parts as i accidentally cut off some of her hairs =(
This is how Boa's look after i remove her wig. Seemed that i don't really done my job well as 1st time. The hair net and some hairs is still stick with the strong glue on head.
I've no idea how to remove this. So i just leave it like this as the new wig will cover the entire head =S
Using a screw
driver, open 3 screws behind the head.
This is how it look like inside. Remove 2 screw from the eye mechanism.
Try to use something thin that can reach the eye chips from the hole behind and push the eye chips out. It'll easily get remove.
I don't have any Pullip or Dal eye chips. So I tried to use my stock Blythe eye chips and sand it off for about 2mm.
I don't have any rough sand paper and so I'm using the grinder. It took me about 10 mins for each eye chips.
Left eyes is the one i sand off. If you're not sure about 2mm is how much, just try to sand off the outer ring pattern of the eye chips.
This is for optional only. If you want the eyes to look more bigger, try to draw a black ring around the eye chips.
And here, she is done with her new eye chips! Cool huh? You can even add a laser paper inside =D
I've attached the new wig on her for temporary. This wig is taken from my CCE Blythe and it's fit!

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